Thursday, November 12, 2009

We will have an unexpected guest speaker

Next Wednesday, both of my News II sections will be meeting in Park 220 at 2 p.m. to welcome Lt. Col. Fanning of the New York National Guard. Lt. Col. Fanning handles media relations for his unit which spent a year in Afghanistan. The entire unit came back safely. He had spoken to Ithaca College journalism students in Fall of 2007 before deployment, and now we have a chance to speak to him post-deployment.

Here is a list of links that he suggested you look at in preparation for his talk:

Here are some links for your consideration.  This is our state website
page that covers the deplpyment of 1700 NY National guard men and women to
Afghanistan in 2008.  There is a lot of material there including weekly
electronic newsletters (46 in total) so that the public and military families
could stay informed.  this is a fantastic newspaper web
journal that was set up and run by a reporter who came over to afghanistan
and embedded with our team for nearly 2 months.  I understand Dave Tobin is
actually an Ithaca College alum.  this is a community blog at
another daily newspaper that I contributed to as sort of a web column.  Like
the page before the latest entry is first.  The last entry was actually a
story written about me by one of the paper's reporters as a capstone to the
nearly year-long exeperience and connection with the Daily Gazette.  I spoke
candidly in my entries and received postive feedback.  I chose to participate
in this fashion with the paper on an invitation from them and a calculation
on my part to reach out to a different audience and some of the same
audiences but in a different way.  The effort paid off well.

I am prepared to discuss what it was like to serve as an Army public affairs
officer in a combat zone, to host and support 30 embedded civilian news media
representatives, to conduct telephone and satellite feed media outreach
efforts, to generate press releases and respond to media queries and acquire
and produce articles, photos and video of military operations for
distribution to the press.

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